Even though a therapist may have all the credentials and licenses, and may give a good impression, it does not ensure that a therapist is effective.  In most professions, testimonies are helpful in the process of choosing a good therapist.  Although I used to solicit testimonials I no longer do, for the following reasons:

Testimonials do not involve a random selection process and may suggest an unrealistic picture of a therapist’s abilities.

Asking clients to write testimonials to enhance a therapist’s credibility could have the net effect of putting them in an uncomfortable position. Clients should always feel that the work is about their interests, not the therapist’s.

The following statement appears in the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct issued by the American Psychological Association (effective date June 1, 2003):

“Psychologists do not solicit testimonials from current therapy clients/patients or other persons who because of their particular circumstances are vulnerable to undue influence.”

If a client initiates wanting to give a testimonial, I may allow this, but only if they are truly given the choice to not do so, and feel no pressure from their therapist in the matter. They must also be willing to sign a statement to this effect.  I would always ensure that they not include their name (or change it), and change any identifiers in their story, in order to protect their confidentiality.

 As I come across clients who want to leave a testimony, I may include them on this site in the future. Some of my clients have even offered to talk to people who have never used these types of therapy, if they have concerns.

Meanwhile, these are some of the spontaneous comments I have received from random clients, using a combination of the therapies that I use:

“I feel like I no longer struggle with the same things I used to.  It’s as if I remember I had the issue, but it no longer occupies my mental “space”, and I don’t have to contend with it anymore.”                                                      

“ Before I did Splankna, I would lose weight, even up to 100 lbs, but then put it right back on.  Since working with Denice, God has helped me to lose 100 pounds,  but this time I have no desire to gain it back.   When I am tempted to overeat, I can stop much easier and finally have control over me!”

“At first I didn’t believe I could really clear this stuff out of my mind and heart.  The emotional reactions seemed like who I was, and I was just stuck with them.  Now I see that they were the lies I was believing and not who I was at all.  I wonder how long I would have gone on thinking that way if I hadn’t found this therapy.   It was my last attempt and I told myself if this didn’t work, I wouldn’t go on living.   I still have my struggles, but I’m just glad that I can finally be me, and be happy with that, and know that God is happy with that too.”

“These techniques are gentle and safe.  I would recommend them to anyone.  Everyone has some lie they’ve believed and some stronghold.  God wants us to get to them so that we can have truth in our inner being and not be ruled by things that are no longer true for us.”